How to Visit Rome on a Budget - 
Top 10 tips to save you money!

Visiting Rome on a budget is easy, if you know the secrets! 

great views of the rome colosseum even from the outsideVisiting Rome on a budget? You don't have to go inside the colosseum to get a great view! But I have lots more tips below...

How to Visit Rome on a Budget

Take it from someone who has helped thousands of visitors with their trips over the years.

I know all about how and where to eat for less, stay for less and get around for less. 

Follow my top 10 tips!

  1. Know when to come to Rome for the best deals
  2. Watch out for stuff that costs more than you think
  3. How to save money seeing the sights in Rome
  4. Don't pay for things you can get for free
  5. How to spend less when shopping in Rome
  6. Don't get scammed!
  7. Don't (over) tip
  8. How to save on getting around in Rome
  9. Decide when time is money
  10. Plan ahead where possible

The biggies all have their own pages, so check them out here!

Cheap Accommodations in Rome

Cheap Rome Restaurants

1. The obvious, come in low season

It should come as no surprise that accommodation rates drop in low season.

Same is true for flights.

But the big question....when is low season in Rome?

When exactly is low season?

We used to own and run a B&B, so of course we saw firsthand what the crowds (or lack thereof) are like throughout the year.

I have come to realize that many visitors to Rome have no idea when low season is, and often think it will be at a time when it definitely is NOT.

Low season is not very long, in part because of our mild climate and in part because . . . it's Rome!

People want to come year round.

And no, October is not "shoulder season." It's one of the busiest months of the year in Rome!

pantheon in romeVisiting Rome in high season means you will spend a bit more on flights and accommodation, so you will have to save in other areas!

If you come in truly low season, the world is your oyster.

You could either spend very little for accommodation, or, you can splurge and stay in a nice hotel, but for a lot less than the rest of the year.

So then, when is low season?

Low season is partially from mid-November through just before Christmas.

Then from after the Epiphany (whatever weekend  includes or is near January 6), through around the first week of March.

That's it.

Know when the holidays are

Low season in Rome is pretty much during winter.

But even then, there are some high-season dates which can make hotel and flight prices go up.

If you are planning to travel on a budget, you may want to avoid these dates:

  • The very first week of January (The Catholic holiday of January 6, called Befana in Italy), traditionally ends the Christmas holiday season, so until then, Italians are still on holiday. And, winter sales start the first Saturday in January . . . so trust me, it is a busy time here!)
crowds in st peter's square in early januaryVatican Square on January 2 - This is NOT low season yet!

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Spring is already the start of high season, but if you want to visit Rome on a budget and avoid high airfares and hotel prices, in particular watch for these dates:

piazza del popolo in springSpring is a beautiful time to visit Rome - which makes it high season
  • The week BEFORE Easter (Holy Week) is really busy in Rome, but not so much Easter weekend
  • April 25 if it falls near a weekend (A major Italian holiday - Liberation Day)
  • May 1 if it falls near a weekend (A major European Holiday)
  • The 2 weeks surrounding the BNL International Tennis Tournaments held every May in Rome.

At the top of every page, you can see a menu that shows my pages of what to expect in Rome, month by month. Check there too!

Ready to plan your trip?

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With one handy pass, it's all included.

2. Be Aware of Things You Think Should Not Cost a Lot But Do

Some of the suggestions on this page are just about helping you not over-pay for things that should cost less or even be free. 

You may of course want to do these things, and they may leave you with special memories of your trip to Rome.

But you should also know how costly they are.

If you are looking to visit Rome on a budget, you might want to avoid these:

Ordering a soda in a restaurant

Normally you will pay for water if you order it in a bar or restaurant, but itā€™s pretty cheap, about 2ā‚¬ for a large bottle.

(You can also ask for tap water, which is free.)

Wine is also surprisingly affordable in restaurants in Rome, with house wines starting at under 10ā‚¬ a jug/bottle and even fairly good bottled wines starting at around 16 Euros a bottle. 

jug of house wine in romeAffordable house wines are often surprisingly good in Rome

Beers are also quite affordable, even now that there is a whole new craft-beer craze here. 

But order a Coke or Diet Coke and you will get a small can or bottle, and at least 5 Euros on your bill.

Itā€™s not a rip-off, itā€™s just that it costs the restaurant a lot so they pass it on to you.

If you really want a soda in a bar or restaurant, just know itā€™s going to cost you.

If you are visiting Rome on a budget, and love soda, buy it at the grocery store and drink it on your own.

Sitting down at a bar/cafe

In many countries, if you get a coffee at a coffee house, and sit down all day and work at your laptop, or just read the paper, you pay exactly the same as if you get your purchase to go, and leave.

In Italy, it doesnā€™t work that way.

caffe greco in romeSitting in a cozy cafe in Rome can be a great experience. Just know you will pay for this privilege!

At most bars and cafes, especially in the touristic center, if you consume anything at the bar, you will pay bar prices, and when you sit down at a table, you will pay table prices.

This is not a scam.

Itā€™s legal and itā€™s standard practice.

You will be charged for having a server bring you your order, and for the privilege of sitting there.

You can sit as long as you want.

And you do not need to tip (service is built into your cost.

See below on over-tipping.)

And of course, you may want to splurge and spend an hour sipping a 10-15 Euro glass of wine while gazing at the Pantheon (most of us who live here, including me, do this sometimes.)

drinking wine near rome pantheonSipping an aperitif while gazing at this monument? It's worth doing, but it will cost you!

Just know before you do it.

Any bar or cafe has to have their prices posted by law.

And theyā€™ll have two: bar and table.

So check this before you sit, especially if you are in Rome on a budget.

Gelato for 4 for 64ā‚¬? Yep, it happened in Rome and it was legal.

HAVING your picture taken with a Centurion soldier/Gladiator

These guys are not dressed up in lace-up sandals, leather skirts and metal hats just for fun.

They expect people to want to have their picture taken with them. 

taking photos with rome centurionsHaving your photo taken with one of these guys dressed up as centurions will cost more than you think. Ask the price before you do it!

There is no set fee for this, and you will be asked to spend anywhere from 10ā‚¬ and up for the privilege.

Are you visiting Rome on a budget?

I'd skip this one!


Wondering how much to budget per day? Whether you can and should use credit cards vs. cash? Wondering about tipping?

Visit my dedicated page all about Money in Rome.

Taking a horse and buggy ride through Rome

It may seem like a charming thing to do, but Rome is best seen on foot, and these cute rides through Rome will cost in the hundreds of Euros.

Typically a one-hour ride for 2 will cost from 150-200ā‚¬.

Definitely not a great idea if you are on a budget.

horse and buggies outside the pantheon in romeTaking a horse and carriage ride through Rome can be romantic . . . and it WILL be expensive!

And it goes up from there if there are more people, or for more time.

If you really want to do this, set the price before you get in. 

Getting crazy expensive drinks at the food carts by the sights

Every time I am walking around Rome with a visitor, and we are near some attraction, there is a food truck/cart.

food truck in romeThese food trucks are all over Rome. They are convenient but you will pay for the convenience.

And someone inevitably says while bee-lining it towards said food cart "Hey, anyone want a drink?

I'm getting something."

I want to shout "no! don't do it!" because I know it's a ripoff.

But I realize when you are a tourist, and you are hot and thirsty, and there's a food cart, you are not thinking about how expensive it will be.

You just want that cold drink.

But if you are on a budget, avoid these, and bring drinks with you!

You can also bring a water bottle with you and fill up at the free water fountains we have all over Rome.

3. How to save money seeing the sights in Rome

One of the best things about Rome is that is an open-air museum.

You can just walk around the city and see stunning art, fountains, sculptures and ancient Roman buildings, and much more, for free. 

via dei fori imperialiWalking along the via dei Fori Imperiali, Rome is an open-air museum!

Not to mention how many churches in Rome are works of art in their own right, plus some of the art inside (Raphael, Bernini, Caravaggio and Michelangelo works can be found in churches all over Rome. For free.)

But, if you want to visit the sites in Rome on a budget, below are some tricks:

Skip Pompeii, head for Ostia Antica

Pompeii is unique, amazing, and well-worth the time and money to get there. But it DOES cost a lot to go to Pompeii from Rome as a day-trip.

Even you go on your own without booking a Pompeii tour, train tickets to Naples can cost from 50ā‚¬ and up R/T per person.

(Or, there is a Rome-Pompeii shuttle you can take as well.)

Then there is a local train to the ruins, plus entry fees, neither of which cost much but it adds up, and without even having a guide, you spend close to 100ā‚¬ per person for this day.

On the other hand, Ostia Antica, just outside of Rome, will cost far less and is perfect for visiting Rome on a budget.

Ostia is another example of a bustling ancient Roman city.

Unlike Pompeii, which was obliterated by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, Ostia was simply abandoned over time.

Try Ostia Antica instead of PompeiiAs a much-less expensive alternative to a day-trip to Pompeii, Ostia Antica will be a shorter day, less crowded and still give you that taste of an ancient Roman city

Ostia not have the drama (or bodies of people and animals) of Pompeii, but it IS a fascinating place to visit and costs far less than Pompeii.

You can get to Ostia in about half hour, by taking the train from Piramide metro station, spending 1.50ā‚¬ per person for a one-way ticket.

Entrance fees are 12ā‚¬ full price per adult.

Anyone under 18 gets in free.

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Take your discounts

I am often surprised by how often people go online to book Vatican tickets, and just book for the number of people in their group, without booking reduced or even free tickets.

Perhaps it just seems easier, or maybe people don't really notice the fine print, or figure it does not apply to them.

Whether or not you are on a budget, you should take the discounts you are entitled to:

  • Children 10 and under (accompanied by an adult) ride Rome public transportation for free.
  • At the Vatican museums, children between and including 6-18 years of age pay a discounted rate (8ā‚¬), and children under 6 are entitled to free entry.
  • At the Colosseum, Europeans between 18-25 are entitled to a reduced entry fare, and everyone under 18 is entitled to free entry.

Always check if you are entitled to discounted or free entry, and be prepared to show proof of eligibility (age of children, clergy, journalists etc.)

Rome on a budget - How to visit Ancient Rome for free

On the first Sunday of every month, state museums and archeological sites are free for everyone.

roman forum as seen from palatine hillYou can visit Ancient Rome for free on the Free Sunday, or anytime if you are under 18!

If you want to visit Ancient Rome on the free Sunday, just know there will be long lines at the Colosseum.

Try visiting the Palatine Hill and Roman Forum first, and waiting until after lunch to visit the Colosseum.

How to save money visiting the Vatican

One way to visit the Vatican if you are in Rome on a budget is to just visit Saint Peter's Square, and/or St. Peter's Basilica, both of which are free.

saint peter's basilicaVisiting St. Peter's basilica is free

If you want to visit the Vatican Museums (and Sistine Chapel) , it normally costs 17ā‚¬ without pre-booking, or 21ā‚¬ if you pre-book.

On the last Sunday of the month, entry is free (hours are reduced - 9:30 - 14:00, last entry at 12:30.) I usually discourage people from doing this, as the lines are super long, and on this day, you cannot pre-book, and no tours go.

But if you are visiting Rome on a budget, and are here when there is the free Sunday, give it a shot! Just be there by 8am or you risk not getting in.

4. Don't Spend Money for Stuff That Should be Free

These are about conveniences.

You do not need to pay for these things but if it makes life easier for you, by all means, do so.

But you donā€™t have to shell out money for these things if you donā€™t want to.

These are some really easy things to avoid:

Avoid buying bottled water, especially near a tourist site

You can drink free, clean delicious water all around Rome in the fountains you will see everywhere (not the Bernini fountains; the little ones that look like fire hydrants, or that are in a wall.)

drinking fountain in romeDrink water for free by getting it at one of Rome's many drinking fountains

In summer, I always recommend you carry a bottle with you and fill up when you see these fountains.

(Bonus tip! Check out these collapsible travel water bottles!

Good for the environment and good for your wallet!)

If you really want to buy bottled water, try to stock up on some at a grocery store (under .50ā‚¬ per bottle), or buy one in a bar (usually about 1ā‚¬ per bottle).

If you buy a bottle of water from a street vendor near a tourist site, you will spend from 2-5ā‚¬ for one little bottle.

As I said above, when you order water in a restaurant, they will ask if you want flat or fizzy, and bring you bottled water, which will usually cost about 2-3 Euros a bottle.

Italians prefer bottled water, so it's the default.

But whether you are in Rome on a budget, or just prefer not to pay for your water at a restaurant, you can also ask for tap water, which is perfectly safe to drink.

In Italian, the phrase for tap water is acqua dal rubinetto, pronounced "ah-kwa dal roobeenetto."

You can also try asking in English. Many servers will understand.

Don't pay when you can get free entry

Time is money.

Sometimes, you just want things to be convenient, or to take less time.

I am one of the first to tell you that you might WANT to pay for these conveniences (more on this below.)

But don't feel you have to.

The following are always free, and you do not need to pay (unless as I say, you want the convenience.)

5. How to spend less when shopping in Rome

Maybe you are not thinking of shopping if you are visiting Rome on a budget.

But it's often part of anyone's visit to Rome.

So here's how to make it cost-effective!

Don't leave money on the table - get your tax refund!

Doing some shopping in Rome?

Did you know you can get back from 11-13% of your purchase of 155ā‚¬ or more, if you are not an EU citizen?

tax refund signs in romeLook for one of these signs or similar when shopping, and get your tax refund!

Itā€™s really not complicated and you should take the time to get the form filled out and do it right.

I find many people just ignore this because they donā€™t know how.

So hereā€™s how.

Come When the Sales Are

In Italy, we have government-regulated sales.

shopping sales in romeSales happen twice a year in Rome, July/August, and January/February. If you are visiting Rome on a budget, hopefully you can come for the sales!

They happen twice a year.

In winter, they begin the first weekend of January.

In summer, they begin the first weekend in July.

(The exact dates can differ from region to region).

6. Avoid Getting Scammed

Yeah I know, that's not a very nice headline.

And I don't mean to imply that everyone in Rome is out to scam you!

However, there are a few scams I know about in Rome, and I want to share them with you here, just so you stay vigilant and don't allow yourself to become victim to one of these.

Whether or not you are visiting Rome on a budget, be aware of these:

Don't Overpay for any taxi ride!

Most Rome taxi drivers are honest.

taxis in romeTaxis at a taxi rank in Rome.

Unfortunately, those few who are not have given a bad rap to the rest of them.

And taken some tourists for a lot of money over the years.

Iā€™ve seen it happen too often and know all the tricks.

Hereā€™s how to pay the right fare for any taxi in Rome.

Don't Order a hyped ā€œspecial dishā€ in a restaurant without asking what it costs

This is a bizarre scam that Iā€™ve also seen too often.

You may find a nice little trattoria, sit down and start looking at the menu, and the server will come tell you about how today they have special mozzarella fresh up from Naples that morning . . . you wonā€™t hear the cost but when you get your bill, you will find you were charged 15ā‚¬ for one mozzarella ball.

buffalo mozzarella in romeThis gorgeous buffalo mozzarella is a treat when you can get it! Just make sure to ask how much it is if it's a "special of the day."

Or porcini mushrooms, or truffles.

These are all special foods and when fresh and available, can add great enjoyment to a meal in Rome.

Just ask the price if the waiter just ā€œtells youā€ about them.

This does not actually happen in most Rome restaurants, and certainly no place I recommend on this website.

The bottom line, if you are told about a special of the day, whether you are in Rome on a budget or not, ask what the price is before you order, for your own peace of mind.

Ditto for wine

Logic would tell you that if you ask for a bottle of wine in the 20ā‚¬ range, and they donā€™t have it, they will then suggest something else, in a similar price range.

Unfortunately, Iā€™ve had the experience that some servers may suggest a bottle of wine 50-100% more expensive.

Always ask the price of wine if itā€™s not on the menu, or suggested only verbally.

Be very careful about ordering fish

If you are in Rome on a budget, you may not be thinking of eating seafood anyway, since it can be pricey.

But there are affordable seafood restaurants in Rome.

If you go, just be aware that often fish is listed on the menu by weight. For example, "sea bass for 7ā‚¬ per 100 grams".

That refers to the weight of the WHOLE fish they will select, not the fish you get on your plate.

fresh seafood display in romeIn many seafood restaurants in Rome and in Italy, you will see the fresh catch displayed right at the entrance. Just make sure to ask how much it will cost before you order!

Let's say you are sharing this fish with one other person.

In order to give you a decent sized portion of fish on your plate, which for the server may be about 300 grams per person (even if in your mind, it should be less), they will need a fish weighing at least a kilo.

Once they get rid of the head, tail and bones, then you are left with (what the server thinks is) an edible piece of fish.

But you will pay for a kilo. At 7ā‚¬ per 100 grams.

So that's 70ā‚¬ for one fish. 35ā‚¬ per person, JUST for the fish, not including any other plates or drinks.

(And I hate to mention that sometimes you will pay for more fish than it actually weighs. Make sure you see the whole fish before they go ahead!)

My suggestion - order shellfish (which usually costs a bit less).

Or order a dish with a set price.

But if you do order fresh fish, make sure to tell the waiter HOW MUCH fish you want to buy.

Like, "I want a fish that weighs half a kilo."

And if they argue that it's not enough food, than you can say, "that's all I want and I won't pay for more."

Being charged a ā€œservice chargeā€ just because you are a tourist

No restaurant I suggest on this site will do this (let me know if they do!)

But some in Rome engage in this unscrupulous practice.

Service (which is actually a tax, not a tip to the server), should be built into the cost of the meal.

ONLY if you see printed on the menu something like ā€œthere will be a 10% service charge added to your billā€, is it OK for the restaurant to do this.

If itā€™s not on the menu, and if itā€™s hand-scrawled onto your check, ask them to remove it.

7. Don't (over) tip

I used to work as a server while in college in the US.

I even supported myself that way for a while.

So believe me when I tell you I am very much into tipping your American server for doing their job well.

And itā€™s hard for me here in Italy, not to tip a lot, especially after a sit-down meal.

No need to tip when you dine out in RomeI have a hard time not tipping when I got out to a restaurant in Rome. But it's not rude not to tip.

Tipping is not, or was not, that big a part of the economy here.

It has become more so, as some Italians have gotten used to getting tipped by foreigners, and even expecting it.

But, you should know that is not what they depend on to make their living.

Servers in Italy tend to have contracts, or at least make a living wage.

They get a month paid vacation, sick time, and usually year-end bonuses.

Here, being a server is a profession, and can be lifelong in the same restaurant.

Also, in many small restaurants, you may be served by the owner.

Nobody will mind being tipped, hey itā€™s free money.

But they are not counting on it and in a way you are wasting your money by doing this (unless you really feel that generous and want to do it.)

So one way to save money is not to tip at all.

It's not rude or inconsiderate. If you want to tip, here's how not to over-tip:

The bottom Line on Tipping in Rome

  • If you stand at the bar, you might leave your leftover change, like 10-20 cents. Or nothing. Really, this is fine. If you sit, you will already pay for the waiter's service via the service charge. In this case, if you really want to tip, then max 1ā‚¬ per person.
a typical coffee bar in romeAt a coffee bar in Rome, you can leave your change as a tip, or not tip! It's ok!
  • At a sit down restaurant, where someone waits on you, you do not need to leave anything at all. However, itā€™s become sort of customary to leave 1-2 Euros total if itā€™s a casual meal, or even 5-10ā‚¬ for a more special meal or with more people. Generally 1ā‚¬ per person is sufficient.
  • There is no need to leave any tip at all for a city taxi. Just pay whatā€™s on the meter. That said, I typically round up to the nearest Euro. And I am always thanked with surprise by the driver who does not expect it.
  • If you take a private car service, and the driver helps with luggage, then you may want to tip 5-10 Euros.
  • Likewise if you take a paid tour, you may want to give the guide a little something extra but itā€™s not expected and not necessary.

8. How to save on getting around in Rome

Rome is best seen on foot.

At least in my opinion.

walking on the fori imperiali in romeI walk around in Rome just about everywhere I go. It's the best way to see the sights!

Yes, you can take the Hop-on/Hop-off bus.

It's not a bad way to get an overview of the city, and can be a great idea especially if you have any walking issues or are traveling with small children especially in hot weather.

But if you are in Rome on a budget, and you can walk, you should!

You will see Rome as the Romans do, and will not only see the main sights, but also lots of great little surprises as you go.

9. Decide when time is money

Two of Rome's most popular sites, the Colosseum and the Vatican, both have long waits to get in, particularly during mid- and high seasons.

Yes this page is about visiting Rome on a budget, so it may seem contrarian of me to tell you to spend a little extra to buy tickets when you don't have to.

But with skip-the-line pass, you can save you hours of waiting time.

And for me at least, I also budget my time!

10. Plan ahead!

In my many years helping visitors to Rome I've seen the gamut from super-planners with tabbed binders, to totally last-minute, take each day as it comes itineraries.

I get it!

Everyone is different, and everyone has different life schedules.

Sometimes you don't plan because you are just too busy.

I do understand.

I am here to tell you that if you want to visit Rome on a budget, one way is to do some planning ahead.

Here are ways that planning ahead will save you money:

Train tickets

You may not be sure yet what time or even what date you want to leave Rome and head to Florence (or Naples or wherever).

And yes, it's usually pretty easy to buy tickets even on the same day you want to travel, even right in the train station (although in high season, you may not find seats together, or tickets available on the trains you want to go on.)

train ticket kiosksVisiting Rome on a budget? You might try booking your train tickets ahead of time for better deals!

But booking ahead can save you a lot of money.

There are often deals like "round-trip in one day", or 2-for-1, or super saver specials.

And once those get booked, they are gone.

So if you are coming to Rome on a budget, and think you can plan ahead, you can usually get a great deal on train travel!

Lock in hotel deals

As with train travel, you can often lock in excellent hotel deals if you book ahead.

Be prepared for non-refundable bookings, but if you are ok with that, you can often get excellent deals in advance.

And, if you use, they guarantee you get the best rate possible so even if the rate goes below what you paid to get your bargain rate, they will let you know.

But if it goes up, and you locked in your bargain rate, well then you've saved a bundle!

Try staying at a Monastery!

Whether you are visiting Rome on a budget or not, you might be interested in staying in a monastery.

For a different, perhaps more charming, way to stay in Rome, check out these beautiful monasteries in Rome.

Vatican Museums Entry

I have seen this over and over - a traveler comes to Rome, hoping to visit the Sistine Chapel (which is inside the Vatican Museums.)

sistine chapelIf you are visiting Rome on a budget, book your entry ticket to the Vatican Museums ahead of time. You'll avoid having to pay more when you book last-minute if you have to go through a third party!

They don't book in advance, and then it turns out there are no tickets left through the Vatican website.

Options include just showing up (which means waiting in long lines), or booking through a third-party reseller, or taking a tour.

I am a big fan of taking a tour of the Vatican Museums!

But it should not be your last resort when all you want to do is get inside on a regular entry ticket.

So while booking a tour is great if that's what you want to do, you should book your ticket entry to the Vatican Museums ahead of time if that is a priority with you.

The above is true for other things too.

For example, you really want to see the Colosseum underground? Or the Domus Aurea? These things are really inexpensive when you book directly with CoopCulture.

But they all sell out long in advance, and if you don't book ahead, and just arrive in Rome with one of those as a goal, your only option will likely be a tour, where you will spend a lot more. Again, I love a good tour.

But if you are visiting Rome on a budget, you may want to just get the regular ticket, and see it on your own, or at the most use the headphones.

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